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Whoever you are, I greet you warmly.
The three moments
“I handeled her two call clips: one for Revelation of Fire, the other for a calendar of Russian saints. She glanced at the slips indifferently, got up from her chair, and left. I waited in the reading-room, savouring in anticipation the three moments of high drama experienced by every bibliophile: the first time you see the longed-for book at a distance; the first time you hold it in your hand; the first time you open it.”
Revelation of Fire
Spiritual nomads with Christian baggage
Many spiritual seekers are not interested in the gospels. But denying our ‘Christian baggage’ means not accepting part of our identity.
Points of orientation in Christian spirituality for spiritual seakers
In the days when travelers did not yet have maps, they orientated themselves using the stars. I do not believe in a map for the spiritual life. I think that, when it comes to your spiritual journey, you have to find your way using only certain orientation points.

One more story
Of the feelings I experienced, the one that surprised me most was the degree of my own amazement. I had never known such a feeling before. To call it “ecstatic” or “inspired” would be to limit its implication; to call it “religious” would cause misunderstandings (as the word “religion” calls to mind presuppositions of a type of cult or faction, it is best avoided). So, I began searching for a more suitable word. The consideration of these various concepts and words was as engaging to me as sports or the arts are to others.
From: One More Messiah